How are you, fellows? It's long time to me to NOT updating my blog here. Hummm, what's up now? We're just shocked by eathquakes yesterday, with 7.3 in richter scale!! Masha Allah, subhanaLlah.. I have read there's many victims caused by this disaster. It reminded me to the big earthquake several years ago, which caused more than 6000 people were killed here, near of my home.
I felt this earthquake while leading a briefing of mya team yesterday. I did not realize it for first time, but I saw my team started to look each another with worrying something. Then the bigger one came to us, and I asked my team to run out of the building, while I (it's weird) and bro Kun, were still sitting down in our position. Thanks to Allah, there's no damaged in our place. But we felt sorry and sad to know there's victims in West Java, and many building were destroyed.
Ok, fellows. That's my story in this morning. My team just finished to produce a package of islamic wooden pin to be sent to a brother in Johor Bahru. We're still continouing to produce other orders. It's still few orders left and need to be done immediately. My wooden pin, my memory of earthquake... It looks like there will be a strong relationship between them forever... May Allah help us. Amiin...
By the way, did you see something wrong with my picture? Yeah, the day and the date are absolutely not matched haha...
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