08 July 2009

Too Hard in Work? Allah is not Just?

I read a comment written in facebook today. Someone wrote it: "... everyday.. i've to work beyond my capacity.. planning my teaching beyond my ability.. serving my students beyond my reponsibilty... unfortunately... my country never gives equal salary..."

What a pathetic words... He might be never look at other's faith, who worked on worse situation. If he works for government everyday, then he has a good job, betttterr than who don't have a job at all. Why he said like that, masha Allah... It doesn't make even a little sense to me...
" If you felt syukur and grateful, then I will increase my Ni'mat towards you. But if you were kufur or ungrateful for My Ni'mat, then understand that My Punishments are severe." (Q.S. Ibrahim: 7)

There's a good article you may read for a while :

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