Then I visited several blogs about two months ago, and then I saw a traffic from Brunei came to my blog after my blogwalking. But I still had no contact after it. The waiting was ended few days ago, while I received an email from my new sister from Brunei. Alhamdulillah... I was so surprised and I always think the connection is more important than the business. So I felt so grateful...
Kesenangan mendapatkan sahabat baru dari Brunei adalah jauh melebihi kegembiraan membaca permintaannya terhadap pin kayu. Bisnes boleh stop, tapi ukhwah? Persahabatan dan persaudaraan karena Islam akan terus berpanjangan, insya Allah... Mana tahu suatu masa kelak akan bertandang ke Bandar Seri Begawan :)I've searched them in friendster, orkut, blogs etc. Whom? Yes, muslim brothers and sisters. Not just for bussiness purposes, but especially to find new contacts, new friends, new fellows. You know, every delivery of pin kayu is just an effect of silaturahim. Silaturahim can bring you barakah. A benefit from your business is just one of it.
Dari Abu Hurairah Radliyallaahu 'anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: "Barangsiapa ingin dilapangkan rizqinya dan dipanjangkan umurnya, hendaknya ia menghubungkan tali kekerabatan." Riwayat Bukhari
1 comment:
alhamdulillaah, semoga terus beroleh kejayaan ;)
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